Toky Phone JS SDK

This page will help you get started with Toky Phone JS SDK

Toky Phone JS SDK

License: MIT

The Toky Phone JS SDK is a WebRTC Javascript library providing an abstraction to the Toky phone system, including its main features.


  • You will need an active Toky Account
  • The App should be Browser-based
  • An API key from the Toky Web App

What can you do?

Make calls, receive web calls, all of the operations related to a call, mute, hold, recording, transfer calls to other Agents, Groups or Numbers, Blind transfers, and Warm.

Alpha version

During the alpha period, we may change aspects of the API based on authentication and feedback.


Clone the repository or download the zip or install from npm.

$ npm install --save toky-phone-js-sdk


For the authentication flow, please refer to the documentation related: Authentication

Development & Production environment

The two environments require .env files, and it works like this.

In compilation time, it automatically uses the .env file depending on your git branch. It looks like this:

Git Branch   Environment file
==========   ================
staging      .env.staging


PUSHER_KEY="" # Warm transfer feature
AGENT_ID="" # Your Toky Agent Id


You can use the .env.example as the base for your file.

In the main.js in the example folder, replace the variable currentAppId with your corresponding generated App Id, this in mandatory:

const currentAppId = 'yourappid'
const currentAppKey = 'yourappkey'

Then you can run:

npm run dev

This script runs the app in development mode and the Dialer in the /example folder.

It would open a tab in your browser, starting the authentication flow.


For the production environment, we need an file also based on the .env.example

npm run build

Builds the SDK for production to the /dist folder, ready to use as a Module or in a script tag.

Connecting and registering

The .init() method is making an automatic registration with the phone system.

import TokySDK from 'toky-phone-js-sdk'

const { TokyClient } = TokySDK

const Client = new TokyClient({
  accessToken: '{{access_token}}',
  account: {
    user: '',
    type: 'agent',
    acceptInboundCalls: false,
  transportLib: 'sip.js',

await Client.init()

Refresh Token

The refresh token method is useful when an access token has expired


TokyClient instance events

Registration events

const { ClientStatus } = TokySDK

Client.on(ClientStatus.REGISTERED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(ClientStatus.UNREGISTERED, () => { /* Your code here */ })

The Connecting event is emitted whenever a call is starting and is the first event before a Ringing event in the Session instance

const { ClientStatus } = TokySDK

Client.on(ClientStatus.CONNECTING, () => { /* Your code here */ })

The Invite event is emitted when you are receiving a call (only if the acceptInboundCalls param is true)

Client.on(ClientStatus.INVITE, () => { /* Your code here */ })

The Session Updated event is emitted when a call session changed. This event give us a session (tokySession) of that call and
later we will use it to make other operations

Client.on(ClientStatus.SESSION_UPDATED, (data) => { 
  tokySession = data.session;
  /* Your code here */ 

Media status events

const { MediaStatus } = TokySDK

Client.on(MediaStatus.READY, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(MediaStatus.UPDATED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(MediaStatus.INPUT_UPDATED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(MediaStatus.OUTPUT_UPDATED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(MediaStatus.PERMISSION_GRANTED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
Client.on(MediaStatus.PERMISSION_REVOKED, () => { /* Your code here */ })

Outgoing call

You can list the available Phone Numbers of the company, pick one, and establish a call.

  phoneNumber: '+595217288659' /* example number */,
  callerId: '+13344413569' /* example caller id from the company */,

Session instance methods

You should use your session (tokySession) received on the event ClientStatus.SESSION_UPDATED to perform these operations

Mute call


Hold Call

  .then(() => {
    console.warn('--- HOLD action success')
  .catch(() => {
    console.warn('--- HOLD action unsuccess')

Record Call

This option will work if the agent has the corresponding permissions.

  .then(() => {
    console.warn('--- RECORD action success')
  .catch(() => {
    console.warn('--- RECORD action unsuccess')

Transfer call with Blind and Warm options

const { TransferEnum, TransferOptionsEnum } = TokySDK

  type: TransferEnum.AGENT,
  destination: '',
  option: TransferOptionsEnum.BLIND,

  type: TransferEnum.NUMBER,
  destination: '+595217288659',
  option: TransferOptionsEnum.BLIND,

Cancel transfer

The cancel transfer option will work only for Warm Transfers.

  .then(() => {
    console.warn('--- Cancel Transfer action success')
  .catch(() => {
    console.warn('--- Cancel Transfer action unsuccess')

End Call


Session instance events

tokySession.on(SessionStatus.MUTED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.UNMUTED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.HOLD, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.UNHOLD, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.HOLD_NOT_AVAILABLE, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.RECORDING, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.NOT_RECORDING, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.RECORDING_NOT_AVAILABLE, () => { /* Your code here */ })

Transfer call events

We have several call events for transfer calls.

TRANSFER_FAILED is related to the phone system rejecting the transfer operation, i.e. use an invalid agent sip username to make a blind transfer.

tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_BLIND_INIT, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_INIT, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_ANSWERED, () => { /* Your code here */ )
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_NOT_ANSWERED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_COMPLETED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_NOT_COMPLETED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_WARM_CANCELED, () => { /* Your code here */ })
tokySession.on(SessionStatus.TRANSFER_FAILED, () => { /* Your code here */ })

Audio device selection

TokyMedia is the singleton in charge of everything related to Devices/Media.

The MediaStatus.READY is emitted when the user's permissions had been allowed.

const { TokyMedia, MediaStatus } = TokySDK

TokyMedia.on(TokyMedia.READY, () => {
  /* The device id */
  const outputDevice = '123asd123asd123'
  TokyMedia.setOutputDevice(outputDevice).then(() => {
    console.log('Output device updated successfully!')

  * This is applied for established calls
  * it allows you to switch audio devices mid-call
  const inputSelected = 'asd123asd123asd'
  if (tokySession) {
    const connection = tokySession.getConnection()
    TokyMedia.setInputDevice(inputSelected, connection).then(() => {
      console.log('Input device updated successfully!')
  } else {
    TokyMedia.setInputDevice(inputSelected).then(() => {
      console.log('Input device updated successfully!')

  /* The list of available devices, and can be used to switch devices */
  console.log(TokyMedia.inputs, TokyMedia.outputs)

  /* List current selected devices, input and output respectively */
  console.log(`Selected input: ${}`)
  console.log(`Selected ouput: ${}`)
